Research Box Privacy Policy: Introduction
The Research Box Ltd. is a market research and consultation agency and your privacy is very important to us. We are a private limited company registered in England and Wales (Company Number 3707399), Registered address c/o GSCD (Accountants), 701 Sperry Way, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 3UT. We take great care in protecting your privacy and the information you provide whilst conducting research with us (whether hosted on our own website, other websites on our behalf or by any other means, including by telephone or face to face).
The purpose of this policy is to give you a clear explanation about how The Research Box Ltd. collects and uses the personal data you provide to us and that we collect. We ensure that we use your information in accordance with all applicable laws concerning the protection of your personal data. We conduct market research and undertake consultations and we commit, in obtaining your co-operation, not to mislead you about the nature of our work or how the findings will be used. Your responses will be treated as confidential unless you consent to being identified.
We follow the Code of Conduct of the Market Research Society and comply with UK Data Protection Act 2018, UK GDPR and we are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office as a data controller (registration number: ICO:00016592326)
Our data protection lead
If you have any queries concerning this policy, or would like to make a subject access request (find out what, if any data we hold about you) please contact our Director who advises on Data Protection issues, Hugh Inwood. Email: Phone: 07774 260429
Personal data we collect
We will collect personal data when you participate in a market research study with us, the information we collect can contain your personal opinions as well as personal data such as:
• Your full name
• Gender
• Age & Date of Birth
• Phone number
• Address
• Email address
• Photos, audio & video footage
We may also occasionally collect sensitive personal data (for example, your ethnic origin), but we will always obtain your explicit consent and tell you why and how the information will be used. Where relevant to the research being undertaken, we may collect business contact information, such as, company name, job title, and department.
In addition, for online surveys we will record your IP address, which type of browser you are using, your screen size and other basic metrics. We do not do any invisible processing of data from your computer. We will only collect and use personal data in accordance with this policy to the extent deemed reasonably necessary to serve our legitimate business purposes, and we will maintain appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity, accuracy and privacy of the information you have provided.
The Research Box Ltd. makes reasonable efforts to keep personal data in its possession or control, which is used on an ongoing basis, accurate, complete, current and relevant, based on the most recent information available to us. We rely on you to help us keep your personal data accurate, complete and current by answering our questions honestly.
For those under 16 please note that we will always obtain a parent/guardian's consent before collecting any personal information.
Using our website - Cookies
Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information. This information is used to track visitors' use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity. These are the only cookies in use on our website. For further information visit You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the '' website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser.
How we use your personal data
When we contact you, we generally do so for one of the following purposes:
• To invite you to participate in research
• To confirm the details of research you have agreed to take part in
• To conduct research with you
• To update and to ensure that our records of your personal data are correct (applicable to those consenting to being part of an ongoing community or panel)
• To notify you if you have won a prize draw that we administered or to provide you with an incentive for taking part.
The personal data we collect is:
• Combined with the responses/views/opinions of others who participated in the same research and reported back anonymously to the client that commissioned the study
• Used on an aggregated basis to determine which groups of people think certain things more than others
• Used to administer and operate prize draws/incentives
• Occasionally used to re-contact you to validate your responses (if you have consented to us doing so at the initial time of our first contact with you once you have agreed to participate in our research)
All of your research responses are treated as confidential. We will never intentionally disclose your personal data or individual survey responses to the client that commissioned the study or any third parties unless you consent to sharing your identifying information and individual responses.